Choose a Great Colonics Therapists Choosing a Colonics Therapist Who Best for You Colonics refer to treatments available at hydrotherapy clinics. Water and other liquids are fed through a tube, into a client’s large intestine and extracted in a very thorough colon cleansing technique. It is also known through its alternative names colonic irrigations,... [Continue reading...]

What Can Go Wrong with Colonic Hydrotherapy? What To You need yo know about Colonic Hydrotherapy! A colonic uses water to remove waste from the colon. I prefer to use the gravity method for colonic therapy. An experienced colon hydrotherapist will allow for a pleasant experience that is gentle, comfortable and modest. There are no foul odors involved... [Continue reading...]

Colonics or Enema? What Do I Need? Is Enema The Same Thing as Colonics or Is It Different? Colonics and enema are considered by people who are concerned about the state of their digestive and bowel systems. But people often wonder what the difference between is between colonics and enema. Both process, colonics and enemas are therapies that involve... [Continue reading...]

Colonics and Constipation Colonics and Constipation Explained According to Dr. Bernard Jensen, PhD, the colon is a sewage system, but by neglect and abuse it becomes a cesspool. When it is clean and normal we are well and happy. Let it stagnate and it will distill the poisons of decay, fermentation, and putrefaction into the blood causing weakened... [Continue reading...]

Colonic Cleansing and Its Benefits What is a Colonic Cleansing? A colonic cleansing is an alternative medicine practicewhich involves the infusion of water into the rectum by a colon therapist to cleanse and flush out the colon. The colonic cleansing removes a build up of waste which supporters of the practice believe is harmful for digestive... [Continue reading...]

Eliminating Toxins Our body has a wide variety of processes for helping us eliminate potential toxins. Some of these processes take place in our digestive tract. Others take place in our skin, our lymphatic vessels and our liver. We’re able to sweat out certain toxins, breath out certain toxins and ofcource get rid of toxins thru our urine and... [Continue reading...]

The heart is a muscular organ that is responsible for pumping blood throughout the blood vessels by repeated, rhythmic contractions. Today, with the prevalence of heart related diseases, there’s an increased public awareness about the harmful effects of obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Heart disease is a major cause of death and... [Continue reading...]

Bile is what our bodies use to digest food and cleanse toxins and fats from our system. The liver makes bile, and the gallbladder stores it. When we eat, the gallbladder is stimulated to release bile so that we can digest food properly. When our bodies are inundated with toxins and saturated fats, our liver can become overloaded. We cannot make enough... [Continue reading...]

Good health has become top priority in the lives of many hence the rise of different diet detoxing plans and fitness programs. The phrase ‘prevention is better than cure’ has become a widely adapted mantra in hopes of avoiding getting sick specially from diseases such as cancer. Every year, thousands die from lung cancer. A reason why a lot of... [Continue reading...]

No time for a full body detox? Feeling sluggish, a little run down? Do you feel like you ate a little more then you should have over the holidays? It may be time for a mini detox! What is a mini detox? You can think of a mini detox as detox-lite! It is a lot easier to do than your traditional full on detoxification or colon cleanse. Here is what to... [Continue reading...]