Friday, March 28, 2025

Body Cleansing Through Infrared Sauna: Its 7 Health Benefits

Body Cleansing Through Infrared Sauna: Its 7 Health Benefits Infrared Sauna and Its 7 Health Benefits More and more hotels offer their guests the luxury, body cleansing and relaxation of an infrared sauna. It has simply become an imperative part of the body cleansing and wellness package, next to massages, solarium and beauty arrangements. Of [...]

Is Colonic Hydrotherapy Safe?

What Can Go Wrong with Colonic Hydrotherapy? What To You need yo know about Colonic Hydrotherapy! A colonic uses water to remove waste from the colon. I prefer to use the gravity method for colonic therapy. An experienced colon hydrotherapist will allow for a pleasant experience that is gentle, comfortable and modest. There are no [...]

The Difference between Colonics and Enema Explained

Filed under Colon Cleanse

Colonics or Enema? What Do I Need? Is Enema The Same Thing as Colonics or Is It Different? Colonics and enema are considered by people who are concerned about the state of their digestive and bowel systems. But people often wonder what the difference between is between colonics and enema. Both process, colonics and enemas [...]

Colonics and Constipation

Colonics and Constipation Colonics and Constipation Explained According to Dr. Bernard Jensen, PhD, the colon is a sewage system, but by neglect and abuse it becomes a cesspool. When it is clean and normal we are well and happy. Let it stagnate and it will distill the poisons of decay, fermentation, and putrefaction into the blood [...]